Friday, April 15, 2011

Fw: Call for Proposals - Strengthening Families in West Virginia Conference

Rev. Roberta Smith
Fax:    304 766-2224
Phone: 304 768-5807
 " A friend is a giftyou give to yourself"

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Michelle Foster, Ph.D." <>
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2011 10:40 AM
Subject: Call for Proposals - Strengthening Families in West Virginia Conference
Theme: Sustaining Our Families through Education, Employment, Economic Empowerment  and Behavioral Health.
Please provide the following information for consideration:
1. Workshop Title
2. Presenter(s)
Include the following information for each presenter:
• Name:
• Mailing address:
• Daytime telephone number:
• Organization:
• Position/title:
• Fax number:
• E-mail address:
3. Workshop overview
Please supply a description of the proposed session taking into consideration the following questions:
• What are the questions that guide this workshop?
• Who is your target audience?
• How will this workshop help your audience?
• How does it address different learning styles?
• Which participant outcomes will it address?
• What new skills will your audience learn?
• What workshop format and design will you use?
Please also include:
• A brief workshop description suitable for the conference brochure (70 words)
• A one paragraph biography for each presenter
• A resume for each presenter
• Audio-visual needs for the presentation
4. Workshop History
If you have previously conducted this presentation, or a similar presentation, please list the date and place of the most recent, as well as the names and telephone numbers of two individuals who could be contacted as references.
5. Session Length
Please select the session length you prefer when presenting your material:
1½ hours 3 hours
Please submit your presenter application by April 30, 2011 to:
SFWV Conference Planning Committee
131 Perkins Avenue
Dunbar, WV 25064
304-768-2194 (fax) or Email:
Selection will be made primarily on the information provided in your application. If you need further information, please email at 304-768-8924 x200. Decisions will be made by May 31, 2011.
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Kanawha Institute for Social Research & Action, Inc. (KISRA) | 131 Perkins Avenue | Dunbar | WV | 25064

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