Friday, October 30, 2009

Film - american violet

Thanks, Sky.


Franklin Crabtree, Executive Director


POB 3952

Charleston WV 25339-3952




- Dr. Cornell West


Sky Kershner, 304-346-9689 x13
Kanawha Pastoral Counseling
(The Jim Dent Dinner people)

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Not In Our Town film maker in Charleston

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Paul Sheridan <>
Date: Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 5:27 PM
Subject: Fw: Not In Our Town film maker in Charleston
To: Paul Sheridan <>

--- On Thu, 10/29/09, Paul Sheridan <> wrote:

From: Paul Sheridan <>
Subject: Not In Our Town film maker in Charleston
To: "Paul Sheridan" <>
Date: Thursday, October 29, 2009, 5:20 PM

Patrice O'Neill, the producer of Not In Our Town, the documentary about how the town of Billings, Montana stood up to hate, will be in Charleston on November 4th, and will give presentations at the Charleston Area Alliance at 3 pm and at the YWCA at 7 pm.
Attached is an announcement of these events.
Please pass it along to your network.
Hope that you can come!!

Sky Kershner, 304-346-9689 x13
Kanawha Pastoral Counseling
(The Jim Dent Dinner people)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Fwd: Recent Article re Ministry to First Responders

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: W. F. Mansell, Jr. <>
Date: Sun, Oct 25, 2009 at 7:46 PM
Subject: Recent Article
To: MIke Jarrett <>, Sky Kershner <>

Mike and Sky,

I thought that attached article was helpful in thinking about the church's role in ministry to first responders.  It is from THE PRESBYTERIAN OUTLOOK, an independent journal in our denomination.  The writer was pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Blacksburg VA and chaplain to the police department there at the time of the Virginia Tech shootings. 



W. F. Mansell, Jr.

Charleston WV


Sky Kershner, 304-346-9689 x13
Kanawha Pastoral Counseling
(The Jim Dent Dinner people)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Fwd: FW: FREE Training--READY, SET, GO!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Steve Burton <>
Date: Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 5:58 PM
Subject: FW: FREE Training--READY, SET, GO!

Hello Everyone,

Please find attached a training being provided by the American Red Cross.


Sky Kershner, 304-346-9689 x13
Kanawha Pastoral Counseling
(The Jim Dent Dinner people)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

CARLA - Final Schedule for the Year

Friends --

Here is the final CARLA schedule
Please recheck since some of the dates may have changed!
All meetings are 9am - 10:30



Wed, Nov 4 Temple Israel
Rabbi Jim Cohn
Tues, Dec 1 St George Cathedral
Fr Olof Scott
Wed, Jan 6
St Mark's UMC
Rev Monty Brown
Wed, Feb 3 Village Chapel
Rev Todd Wright
Tues, Mar 2
B'nai Jacob Synagogue
Rabbi Victor Urecki
Wed, Apr 7 WV Islamic Association
Imam Ehteshamul Hauck
Tues, May 4
Blessed Sacrament
Fr John Finnell
Wed, June 2
Rev Sky Kershner

Sky Kershner, 304-346-9689 x13
Kanawha Pastoral Counseling
(The Jim Dent Dinner people)

Monday, October 12, 2009

October DV Awareness Month Calendar

Dear Colleagues,

Attached is the YWCA Domestic Violence Awareness Calendar for October.  Please distribute among your congregations and colleagues.  I will send a specific flyer for our Resolve-DOVE Inter-Faith Vigil as soon as it is completed.  The vigil will be held at Saint Francis Hospital on Tuesday, October 27 from 6-7 PM.  Please join us!



Kathryn Willoughby Weed

The DOVE (DOmestic  Violence Elimination) Committee

Sky Kershner, 304-346-9689 x13
Kanawha Pastoral Counseling
(The Jim Dent Dinner people)

H1N1 Community meeting report

Pastors and Friends -

Here are some notes from a recent Kanawha Co Health Dept Task Force H1N1 Meeting

H1n1 swine is different from h1n1 seasonal

Closing school does not seem like a good idea since the kids will congregate somewhere. Kids have no immunity to it. Very few cases in folks 65 and older.

Vaccine is coming in slowly, though Jan.  An er emergency room worked at st marts was the first to die. Because it is coming in slowly, it is a big challenge sorting out the priorities of who will get it first.

Seasonal flu vaccine may be running out, since it is made by the same people as the h1n1 vaccine.

There are preservative free versions of the vaccine.

Basic fliers are available at the h1n1 website.

They would like our help in calming fears

Sky Kershner

(This was sent from a tiny keyboard, please forgive any goofy spellings!)

Sky Kershner, 304-346-9689 x13
Kanawha Pastoral Counseling
(The Jim Dent Dinner people)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Prayer Life Needing a Boost.Council of Churches Assembly


West Virginia Council of ChurchesDoes Your Prayer Life Need a Lift?


Then the West Virginia Council of Churches 129th

 Annual Assembly is for you.


Assembly Opening Prayer Breakfast

(Co-sponsored by Partnership of African American Churches)

Monday, October 19, 2009, 8:00 a.m.

Blessed John XXIII Pastoral Center

Charleston, W.Va.


The one day Assembly, opens with its Annual Prayer Breakfast featuring  Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Dr. Bruce Reed of the West Virginia National Guard as the speaker.  Having served two terms of duty in Iraq, as well as Katrina, Chaplain Reed understands the value of prayer for not only the soldier but in all walks of life.

Assembly Gathering - 9:45 a.m.

Panel on the Assembly Theme:

Rooted in Prayer, Grounded in Love,

 Growing In the Fruit of the Spirit.


With the theme: Rooted in Prayer, Grounded in Love, Growing in the Fruit of the Spirit, the Assembly will feature panelists from various faith walks on prayer life as it supports our ministerial calling.  Participants also will have the opportunity to choose between breakout sessions related to the theme sponsored by Council of Churches program units. 


Breakout Sessions -10:30 a.m.


The 129th Assembly offers the following sessions on prayers presented by our program units:  Sharing Prayer Resources for Justice; Prayers from Kairos – For the Incarcerated and Those who work in prison; Prayers for and with Military Members and Their Families; Let the Children Come:  Circles of Prayer for and with Children; Prayer in a Time of Disaster; and Ecumenical and Interfaith Community Prayers.


Ecumenical Luncheon -12:00 noon


Finally, join us for the Ecumenical Luncheon at noon where you will join the celebration of our ecumenical life together in West Virginia. We will announce the Mary Virginia DeRoo Ecumenical Award recipient and launch our plans for the 130th Anniversary Celebration.


Register online at

 or with an attached mail-in form:

Registration: $5.00,

 Breakfast $10.00, Lunch $10.00




The Reverend Dennis D. Sparks

Executive Director

West Virginia Council of Churches

2207 Washington St. East

Charleston WV 25311-2218

office 304-344-3141

fax 304-342-1506

cell 304-546-7013



Sky Kershner, 304-346-9689 x13
Kanawha Pastoral Counseling
(The Jim Dent Dinner people)

Monday, October 5, 2009

Next CARLA Meeting - Tomorrow - Tues Oct 6 at 9:00 am

Charleston Area Religious Leaders (Interfaith / Clergy) 'Association'

Next Meeting

Tuesday, Oct 6

9am - 10:30


WV National Guard Family Programs Office
(directions below)

Hosted by:

Chaplain Bruce Reed

Chaplain (LTC) Bruce D. Reed

Full Time Support Chaplain WVARNG

111th Engineer Brigade Chaplain

1-304-561-6328 (Office)

1-304-549-7939 (BlackBerry)

Directions to WV National Guard Family Programs Office, 1703 Coonskin Drive, Charleston, WV 26311.

1)  Take Rt 114 East from Charleston (Greenbriar Street hill)
2)  Stay in the right hand lane and bear right at the Airport Road
3)  Turn left at the GoMart, Coonskin Drive. (Signs to the National Guard are posted)
4)  Family Programs Office is the large house on the right(with a white sign with a purple circle) that is past the Military Headquarters Buildings and across from the Armory (sign on the Building on the left).  If you go into Coonskin Park, you have gone too far.

There is a parking lot to the left of the Family Program Office house - but,
it is usually full by 8:00. So, seek a space on the pull-in spots on the
left, before you get to the Family Program Office (or park in the lot to the
left of the main brick Headquarters building, which is on the right - before
the Family Program Office.)  Confused?? So am I most days.  I will try to get our staff to park off the main Parking lot. That will allow 10-12 spaces.

You can enter the Office from the front door - or the steps-up from the
parking side.

-- Bruce



Rev Todd Wright, new pastor at Village Chapel Pres,

Rev. David Jasper, new pastor at Morris Memorial UMC,


I am looking for hosts for the dates below
Please let me know asap!

-- Sky


Tues, Oct 6 WV National Guard Family Programs Office
Wed, Nov 4 Temple Israel
Tues, Dec 1 St George Cathedral
Wed, Jan 6

Wed, Feb 3 Village Chapel
Tues, Mar 2

Wed, Apr 7
Tues, May 4

Wed, June 2

Sky Kershner, 304-346-9689 x13
Kanawha Pastoral Counseling

Sky Kershner, 304-346-9689 x13
Kanawha Pastoral Counseling

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Leaving for Nic

Click here:

Sky Kershner, 304-346-9689 x13
Kanawha Pastoral Counseling