Thursday, August 30, 2012

Walk for Syrian Children in CHARLESTON, WV

Dear Sky
Can you please forward this email to all the carla members and friends?
with regards,
Imam Dr. Ehteshamul Haque

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Issa, Ali <>
Date: Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 4:17 PM
Subject: walk for Syrian Children.

AA and Hello everyone.


Local citizens in Charleston WV are organizing a Walk for the Children of Syria on Sept 8 2012. All proceeds will go to UNICEF United States funds to highlight the crises in Syria and its effect on its children. This is a part of national event taking place across the nation in 14 cities on the same date.


The children of Syria have become victims of violence, torture, and killings. With thousands of children killed, wounded, detained, or left without family, The world must know about this atrocity for medical aid and humanitarian assistance to reach them.


Please forward this to your distribution list, post it on face book, post it on your church bulletin board, work bulletin board.  and we encourage you to invite everyone; your friends, neighbors, co workers…


Please watch this 3 minutes video.   (promo video)



Here is the link to register for the walk.  We will have t-shirts on site for purchase.  






Ali Issa



Dr. Ehteshamul Haque
Imam of Islamic Association of WV, Charleston, WV

Telephone:     304 744 1031

             Fax:     304 744 1031


Mailing address: P.O. Box 8414, South Charleston, WV 25303

Sky Kershner
Kanawha Pastoral Counseling
Charleston, WV

CARLA is a social capital networking group for clergy and religious leaders in Charleston, WV. For more info go to
To post to this group, send email to
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
For more options, visit this group at

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Re: Digest for - 1 Message in 1 Topic

In case you received no attachment with my previous email about the June 2013 Conference on Consciousness, the abstract to my paper appears below. My apologies for any redundancy (in the emails, not in the abstract).


Rabbi James Cohn
Temple Israel
2312 Kanawha Blvd. East
Charleston WV 25311
All-hours mobile: 304-807-0907





Speculations on the Cultural Evolution of Human Consciousness


By James D. Cohn


In 1976, Julian Jaynes hypothesized that as recently as 2,500-3,000 years ago, human beings were non-introspective.  Jaynes said that while we are acculturated from infancy on, to understand our mental life as a narratized interior mind-space in which we introspect in a ceaseless conversation with "ourselves," our ancestors were acculturated to understand their mental life in terms of obedient responses to auditory prompts, which they hallucinated as the external voice of God. Although these "bicameral" people could think and act, they had no awareness of choices or of choosing – or of awareness itself. Jaynes claimed that one could trace this cultural transformation over the course of a scant millennium by analyzing the literature of the Hebrew Scriptures ("Old Testament," OT).  Jaynes himself, however, was not skilled in Hebrew or cognate languages, and was forced to rely on translations and secondary sources. This project tests Jaynes's assertions by examining the OT text in Hebrew, as seen through the lens of the Documentary Hypothesis and modern critical historical scholarship.  Examination shows that the writers of the oldest texts had no words in their cultural lexicon to correspond to our words such as "mind" or "imagination" or "belief." Translations into English that employ such mentalistic words are shown to be incorrect and misleading. By sharp contrast, in the later OT texts, a lexicon of rich interiority appears.  The writers have become acculturated to experience mental life as a rich introspective consciousness, full of internal mind-talk and "narratization," and perceiving their own actions as the result, not of obedience to an external voice, but of self-authorized, internal decisions. This study includes observations about emerging understandings of the neurology of auditory hallucinations, and supports Jaynes's idea that while the brain's structure has changed little in three millennia,  culture can and will determine whether a child's mental life is bicameral or introspectively conscious.


CARLA is a social capital networking group for clergy and religious leaders in Charleston, WV. For more info go to
To post to this group, send email to
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
For more options, visit this group at

Friday, August 24, 2012

June 2013 Conference on Consciousness

Colleagues in ministry,

I thought you might be interested in this event at Temple in June 2013. Click this link.  Take a look especially at the speakers:

The abstract of my paper published by the JJS is attached and it will give you an idea of the religion connection.



Rabbi James Cohn
Temple Israel
2312 Kanawha Blvd. East
Charleston WV 25311
All-hours mobile: 304-807-0907

CARLA is a social capital networking group for clergy and religious leaders in Charleston, WV. For more info go to
To post to this group, send email to
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
For more options, visit this group at

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

CARLA Meeting - Thurs Sept 6 at CCUM

CARLA Meeting
Thurs, Sept 6, at 9am
at Christ Church UM
Rev Randy Flanagan, hosting


I still have open slots for hosting Oct 2 and Nov 7
Please let me know


Thurs, Sept 6 Christ Church UM Rev Randy Flanagan
Rev Shauna Hyde
Tues, Oct 2

Wed, Nov 7

Thurs, Dec 6 WV Islamic Association Imam Ehteshamul Haque

Sky Kershner
Kanawha Pastoral Counseling
Charleston, WV

Sky Kershner
Kanawha Pastoral Counseling
Charleston, WV

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Chaplain Mike Going Wild

Could you send out the following to CARLA…


Dear Friends,


September is National Preparedness month. In cooperation with our Emergency Management Agencies, I would like to offer a sermon (either on Sunday morning or evening or Wednesday) or an Adult Bible Class presentation entitled "Disaster Preparation" to you and your parishioners. It starts out with being prepared at your church for an emergency, various items are displayed, then to the home, and finishes with a message on preparation for a spiritual disaster. I think you would really like it and it might give you a break. I do it in uniform.

I would like to preach every Sunday at a morning and evening service.

Please let me know if you would like this informative, interacting message for your congregation.




Chaplain Mike



Chaplain Mike Jarrett

Kanawha County Emergency Ambulance Authority

601 Brooks St

Charleston, WV  25301

304-345-2312 ext. 123

304-343-9305 (fax)



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Sky Kershner
Kanawha Pastoral Counseling
Charleston, WV