Friday, September 30, 2011

Fwd: Faith Leaders: You're Invited to a Webinar on Teen Pregnancy in West Virginia

 Did you know that the U.S. Center for Disease Control recently released data showing that while teen childbearing decreased nationally between 2007 and 2009, West Virginia was the only state in the nation to see an increase (+17%) in births to teenagers ages 15-17?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Margaret Chapman Pomponio <>
Date: 2011/9/30
Subject: Faith Leaders: You're Invited to a Webinar on Teen Pregnancy in West Virginia

Dear Sky,

With teen pregnancy on the rise, and high school drop out rates soaring all over the state, this is the time to work together to identify policies and programs that will help our youth lead healthy, productive lives. To shed some light on about the latest data, I hope you'll join us for a webinar on the topic of teen pregnancy and childbearing in West Virginia October 18th (details below).  I ask that you please circulate this to your lists and post it to related websites.

Can you post it to CARLA? It would be particularly wonderful to disseminate it widely to faith leaders. We really want to work with churches and places of worship on youth programs that address this in some way.

Best wishes,



Mark your calendar and RSVP now for the 

October 18th, 2011

Webinar: Release of Report on Teen Pregnancy in West Virginia

            Did you know that the U.S. Center for Disease Control recently released data showing that while teen childbearing decreased nationally between 2007 and 2009, West Virginia was the only state in the nation to see an increase (+17%) in births to teenagers ages 15-17?  The complex challenges posed by teen pregnancy require a coordinated, community-based effort that advances evidence-based education, improves access to reproductive services, and gives teens every resource they need to make healthy choices.

            WV FREE and the West Virginia Perinatal Partnership cordially invite you to a special webinar to be held on October 18th to release the 2011 Report on Teen Pregnancy and Childbearing in West Virginia. Local and national experts will summarize the latest data on teen pregnancy and discuss strategies that policymakers, educators, health professionals, faith leaders and community advocates can use to address teen pregnancy.  Continuing education credits are available through Charleston Area Medical Center Health Education & Research Institute for physicians, nurses, health educators and social workers.  After the presentation, you will have an opportunity to ask questions and offer insight into how these data and recommendations shed light on what you're seeing in your area or field. Please join us!



Get the Facts To Ensure Teens Lead Healthy, Productive Lives


12:00-1:30 P.M.

Participants will:

1.      Learn from national and local experts about new data regarding teen pregnancy and childbearing in West Virginia

2.      Identify strategies to help reduce teen pregnancy and improve health and educational outcomes for West Virginia youth

3.      Determine local and national resources available to you in your profession


Lead Presenter:

Brenda Dawley, MD, OB-Gyn

WV Perinatal Partnership

Chair - Central Advisory Council

Chair - Committee on Unplanned Pregnancy


Andrea Kane

National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy

Senior Director for Policy


Lida Shepherd


Director of Research and Development


Margaret Chapman Pomponio


Executive Director


Registration and participation is FREE. Online registration information will be available soon.  To RSVP or for more information please email Margaret Chapman Pomponio or call 304 342 9188

Please feel free to share this with colleagues and staff or post the attached flier!




Margaret V. Chapman Pomponio

Executive Director


100 Capitol Street, Suite 1005 
Charleston, WV 25301

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