Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Prayer Life Needing a Boost.Council of Churches Assembly


West Virginia Council of ChurchesDoes Your Prayer Life Need a Lift?


Then the West Virginia Council of Churches 129th

 Annual Assembly is for you.


Assembly Opening Prayer Breakfast

(Co-sponsored by Partnership of African American Churches)

Monday, October 19, 2009, 8:00 a.m.

Blessed John XXIII Pastoral Center

Charleston, W.Va.


The one day Assembly, opens with its Annual Prayer Breakfast featuring  Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Dr. Bruce Reed of the West Virginia National Guard as the speaker.  Having served two terms of duty in Iraq, as well as Katrina, Chaplain Reed understands the value of prayer for not only the soldier but in all walks of life.

Assembly Gathering - 9:45 a.m.

Panel on the Assembly Theme:

Rooted in Prayer, Grounded in Love,

 Growing In the Fruit of the Spirit.


With the theme: Rooted in Prayer, Grounded in Love, Growing in the Fruit of the Spirit, the Assembly will feature panelists from various faith walks on prayer life as it supports our ministerial calling.  Participants also will have the opportunity to choose between breakout sessions related to the theme sponsored by Council of Churches program units. 


Breakout Sessions -10:30 a.m.


The 129th Assembly offers the following sessions on prayers presented by our program units:  Sharing Prayer Resources for Justice; Prayers from Kairos – For the Incarcerated and Those who work in prison; Prayers for and with Military Members and Their Families; Let the Children Come:  Circles of Prayer for and with Children; Prayer in a Time of Disaster; and Ecumenical and Interfaith Community Prayers.


Ecumenical Luncheon -12:00 noon


Finally, join us for the Ecumenical Luncheon at noon where you will join the celebration of our ecumenical life together in West Virginia. We will announce the Mary Virginia DeRoo Ecumenical Award recipient and launch our plans for the 130th Anniversary Celebration.


Register online at

 or with an attached mail-in form:

Registration: $5.00,

 Breakfast $10.00, Lunch $10.00




The Reverend Dennis D. Sparks

Executive Director

West Virginia Council of Churches

2207 Washington St. East

Charleston WV 25311-2218

office 304-344-3141

fax 304-342-1506

cell 304-546-7013



Sky Kershner, 304-346-9689 x13
Kanawha Pastoral Counseling
(The Jim Dent Dinner people)

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