Monday, October 12, 2009

H1N1 Community meeting report

Pastors and Friends -

Here are some notes from a recent Kanawha Co Health Dept Task Force H1N1 Meeting

H1n1 swine is different from h1n1 seasonal

Closing school does not seem like a good idea since the kids will congregate somewhere. Kids have no immunity to it. Very few cases in folks 65 and older.

Vaccine is coming in slowly, though Jan.  An er emergency room worked at st marts was the first to die. Because it is coming in slowly, it is a big challenge sorting out the priorities of who will get it first.

Seasonal flu vaccine may be running out, since it is made by the same people as the h1n1 vaccine.

There are preservative free versions of the vaccine.

Basic fliers are available at the h1n1 website.

They would like our help in calming fears

Sky Kershner

(This was sent from a tiny keyboard, please forgive any goofy spellings!)

Sky Kershner, 304-346-9689 x13
Kanawha Pastoral Counseling
(The Jim Dent Dinner people)

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