Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Clergy Crisis Response Trainings in May

Friends --

Kan Co Ambulance Authority Chaplain Mike Jarret and I will be leading several different Critical Incident Stress Management Certificate trainings this coming May. 

Given the on-going nature of crisis and disaster in our community these trainings offer essential skills for clergy, especially the May 8-9 training on Pastoral Crisis Intervention.

It is our hope that many of our CARLA clergy will be interested in getting this training and will become part of the Kanawha County CISM response team.

Please let Mike or I know if you have any questions



Crisis Response Skills

Crisis Response Certificate Training

Crisis Intervention is a specialized acute emergency mental health intervention which requires specialized training.  As physical first aid is to surgery, crisis intervention is to psychotherapy.  Crisis intervention is sometimes called "emotional first aid".  This program is designed for teach participants the fundamentals of, and a specific protocol for, individual crisis intervention.





Critical Incident Stress Management
Certificate Training
These are 13 hour ICISF Certificate Trainings





Pastoral Crisis Intervention Certificate Training
with Sky Kershner, Mike Jarret, and Brad Nichols

May 8 and 9, 2013, Charleston Civic Center
Fee is $125 (Group Intervention can be included) 

Register through the WV Public Safety Expo



Group Crisis Intervention Certificate Training
with Brad Nichols, Mike Jarret, and Sky Kershner

May 10 and 11, 2013, Charleston Civic Center
Fee is $125 (Pastoral Intervention can be included) 

Register through the WV Public Safety Expo



Individual Crisis Intervention and Peer Support

Certificate Training with Sky Kershner

May 15th, 22nd, 29th and June 3rd from 9:00 - 12:30

Unity of Kanawha Valley, 804 Myrtle Rd, Charleston

Fee is $185 (for LPC, RN, SW Prof Cont Ed, please add $10)              

Register Here

Sky Kershner
Kanawha Pastoral Counseling
Charleston, WV

Sky Kershner
Kanawha Pastoral Counseling
Charleston, WV

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