Wednesday, February 13, 2013

"Active Shooter Awareness Training" - - please respond by Monday, February 18th

On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 6:36 PM, Briscoe, Janet M <> wrote:

The Kanawha-Charleston Health Department, Kanawha County and City of Charleston Emergency Management and Law Enforcement partners in collaboration with the WV Board of Risk and Insurance Management will be sponsoring a community training entitled: "Shots Fired: Guidance for Surviving an Active Shooter Situation." This training is designed for a business office environment geared toward individual preparedness and response.  Using a "must see" video and advice from law enforcement experts, this training will provide you with specific actions you can take to increase your chances of surviving the unthinkable.  Takeaways from this training will include advice on developing a survival mindset, information which you will want to share with co-workers and family. It will also include audience participation in a Question and Answer session with a panel of law enforcement officers.


Registration Information


The training will be held at the Charleston Civic Center on Tuesday, March 5 from 10:00 am – 11:30 am. Immediately following the training will be our quarterly meeting of the Kanawha Multi-Agency Planning and Advisory Committee (MPAC) which will also be held at the Charleston Civic Center from 11:30 am – 1:00 pm. Seating for this training will be limited to 100 attendees.  First preference to register for this training will be given to members of MPAC. IF you are planning to attend, RSVP by replying  to this email. Deadline for early registration is Monday, February 18.  After early registration closes, you may share this training opportunity with others in your agency. Registration will be opened to the public on February 19th  on a first come, first serve basis. If you need additional information or have questions, please contact  Tina Ramirez in the KCHD Division of Epidemiology & Emergency Preparedness at 304-348-1088 or by email at We look forward to seeing you on March 5.



NOTE: The MPAC meeting originally scheduled for March 6 has been moved to March 5 at the Charleston Civic Center.


Sky Kershner
Kanawha Pastoral Counseling
Charleston, WV

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