Could you send out the following to CARLA…
Dear Friends,
September is National Preparedness month. In cooperation with our Emergency Management Agencies, I would like to offer a sermon (either on Sunday morning or evening or Wednesday) or an Adult Bible Class presentation entitled "Disaster Preparation" to you and your parishioners. It starts out with being prepared at your church for an emergency, various items are displayed, then to the home, and finishes with a message on preparation for a spiritual disaster. I think you would really like it and it might give you a break. I do it in uniform.
I would like to preach every Sunday at a morning and evening service.
Please let me know if you would like this informative, interacting message for your congregation.
Chaplain Mike
Chaplain Mike Jarrett
Kanawha County Emergency Ambulance Authority
601 Brooks St
Charleston, WV 25301
304-343-9305 (fax)
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Sky Kershner
Kanawha Pastoral Counseling
Charleston, WV
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