Tuesday, October 26, 2010

KPCC News - Adventures in Honesty

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October, 2010
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Adventures in Honesty

"Adventures in Honesty and Authenticity" with Jeff Brown
Communication Workshop, Nov 12-13 
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KPCC will be hosting a weekend Communication Workshop in Charleston, featuring Internationally Certified NVC Trainer, Jeff Brown.

Jeff will be with us Nov 12 - 13 for a day-and-a-half workshop: "Adventures in Honesty/ Living & Communicating Authentically."  Space is limited to 50 participants, and has been filling up fast.

Click here for more info on how to register

Was the Dent Dinner Fun?

Thdent_2010is year's Dent Dinner was a huge success! The good news is that for the first time ever, we were oversold! The bad news is the same thing: we were oversold! A big that you for the patience of everyone as we found enough seating! And was it funny? "Row, row, row your boat will never be the same!"

Click here to see a video highlight.

Sky Kershner on Honesty
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Jeff Brown has certainly picked an intriguing title for his communication workshop in November! Honesty seems to be something many of us struggle with, especially when we are trying to balance this value with that of caring. "I could never tell her that!" I heard a husband say recently.

Intimacy is so connected with letting another person know who I really am. Are there ways to tell the harder truths about ourselves and do it in a way that preserves and even strengthens our relationships?  If you are not sure, please consider joining us for the communication workshop "Adventures in Honesty" Nov 12-13.

Click here for more info

Radio KPCC

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Join Jeanne K Cochran and our KPCC therapists as we discuss issues related to life, love and wholeness. Current show include: Depression, Anxiety, Addictions, Post-Traumatic Stress, Marriage, Teens and Children, Hoarding and Clutter.

Click here to see our recent shows.

KPCC Staff

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KPCC continues doing what
it does best, providing quality counseling, at an affordable cost, with sensitivity to a spiritual understanding of life.

We are

We help ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances

Call us if you or someone you know could use a little extra help!


Tel: (304) 346-9689
Email: info3@kpcc.com

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