Monday, September 20, 2010

Engage Men, Create Change - "A Call to Men" Training - October 8, 2010

Here is a training for men on issues related to Domestic Violence.

Free, open to the public, looks wonderful


Subject: Engage Men, Create Change - "A Call to Men" Training - October 8, 2010

Advocates and Allies,
Following the Annual Purple Ribbon Award ceremony, WVCADV will host our annual statewide training. 

This training scheduled for Friday, October 8, 2010, will feature Tony Porter of "A Call To Men".  Tony will be conducting a training to engage men and confront hurtful gender norms in order to end violence against women. This training will be held at the Charleston Marriott, the training is free of charge, and a working lunch will be provided.
Prior to the training, on the evening of October 7th, WVCADV will be hosting the Purple Ribbon Awards to honor advocates for domestic violence victims in West Virginia (Mr. Porter is the Keynote Speaker). You are welcome to attend that in addition to the training on the 8th, and may contact Amy Landers at our office for questions about the Purple Ribbon Awards.
Tony Porter has the ability to motivate, encourage, challenge and instill hope in both men and women to listen up, speak out and stand up for respect and equality in relationships. He is in the business of shifting social norms and building partnerships for influencing change in attitudes men have for women. He addresses an issue that impacts people across all social lines, and is interested in talking about practical steps that men can take to support women in their lives, and support other men to do the same.
So I would like to extend this invitation to join us at this excellent opportunity to learn and be involved in bringing men to the table in this critical work. For more information, read the following testimonials and visit their website (
Testimonials for "A Call to Men" [from their website]
Christopher L. Henry
Director, NFL Player Development
National Football League

"It is important that we work to break down the stereotypes that define manhood in today's society. While all men are not perpetrators of domestic violence, it does clearly exist and it's important to learn how sexism, male dominance and male privilege lay the foundation for all forms of violence against women. Tony does a great job of addressing the role that "well-meaning men" can play by getting out of their socially defined roles and taking a stance to reduce abusive and violent behavior toward women. He has the ability to engage players to be more accountable and become part of the solution instead of part of the problem."
Katie Gentile, Ph.D.
Dir. of John Jay College Women's Center
John Jay College of Criminal Justice - NYC, NY

"So much research points directly to the relationship between male peer networks and violence against women, in that men support other men to treat women poorly. Working directly to empower women is only part of the solution. Men must be made accountable to their privilege and their on-going violence against women. This conference is an important step toward engaging men to examine their peer networks, the ways they condone violence against women, and questioning their privilege. It should be mandatory education for all high school and university students and faculty."
Byron Hurt
Producer/Director Beyond Beats and Rhymes

"As an African-American man, I almost decided NOT to be an anti-sexist activist in fear of standing alone. When I began working with the Mentors in Violence Prevention Program in 1993, I didn't know any men of color who openly spoke out against sexism, sexual violence, and men's violence against women. But somehow, I mustered up the courage to do so, and I am glad I did! Since 1993 I have had great opportunities to meet and know other courageous men of color who, like myself, are hard at work training and educating boys and men across racial lines about how to be non-abusive to women. Tony Porter and Ted Bunch are among those men, and they are a dynamic duo! Their organization, A CALL TO MEN, is reaching out to men of all races, doing the difficult task of educating and training men how to re-define manhood. Men like Ted and Tony make my life easier because I know there are other men out in the world to whom I can turn for support and inspiration whenever I get overwhelmed with the enormous task of eradicating all forms of gender violence. Their annual conference is thorough, informative, enlightening, and motivational. The world needs more men like Tony and Ted!"
Lieutenant Colonel Dave Jones
Values Education Officer
United States Military Academy
West Point, New York

"Tony provided West Point Cadets (the entire freshman class of 1000+), a very insightful and energized overview of all of our responsibilities in being part of the solution as we deal with each other - both men and women. He accentuated the importance of all of us to take a proactive and positive role in stamping out sexual harassment or assault. Needless to say, Tony communicated that "well-meaning men" sometimes feel pressured to stay in the "man-box" and offered us encouragement to "get out of there" and be the RIGHT role model for so many men and boys as well. The Cadets gave Tony a well-deserved standing ovation. Tony, thanks for a candid and honest dialogue that emphasized the positive aspects of MEN and WOMEN on the TEAM together! Future Leaders in the Corps and in Tomorrow's Army salute you! Thanks for making a difference. one presentation at a time! We have already scheduled Tony to come back to West Point for several future events."
Robert Jensen, Ph.D.
University of Texas at Austin

"A CALL TO MEN is doing extraordinary work to challenge us to step up to our obligations to end men's violence against women. Tony Porter and Ted Bunch are models for how men can work under the leadership of women to meet those challenges. The workshops and conferences organized by A CALL TO MEN offer analysis and strategies for action, and more importantly, hope for how to move forward."
Hope to see you there! Please fill out the attached registration form for each participant and fax to us at 304-965-3572 by September 24 (or email to me directly). If you have any questions, please contact me or Amy Landers at the Coalition Office.
Amy Landers
Training & Event Coordinator
5004 Elk River Road, South
Elkview, WV  25071
(304) 965-3552 phone
(304) 965-3572 fax
WVCADV 2010 logo medium


Sky Kershner, 304-346-9689 x13
Kanawha Pastoral Counseling

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