From: Dennis Sparks []
Sent: Friday, April 16, 2010 8:50 AM
Cc: Dick Hamm (
Subject: May 19th Conference on Mondels for Christian Unity
Dear Friends of Christian Unity Concerned about the Future Church,
Before us is one of our nation's leaders in teaching about the future of the
church in the spirit of the ecumenical movement. He is the Reverend Dr. Dick
Hamm, executive director of Christian Churches Together. Dr. Hamm is the
former executive leader of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the
United States and Canada. He brings insight, tools for understanding and
taking actions for both the judicatory leader as well as the local pastor.
Please join us for two working sessions with Dick Hamm:
On Wednesday, May 19 beginning at 1:00 p.m. at St. George Orthodox
Cathedral in Charleston.
See attached flyer.
Contact me to register at
Hope to see there.
The Reverend Dennis D. Sparks
Executive Director
West Virginia Council of Churches
2207 Washington St. East
Charleston WV 25311-2218
office 304-344-3141
A Day on Church Leadership and Models for Christian Unity
With The Rev. Dr. Dick Hamm,
Executive Director of Christian Churches Together.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
St. George Orthodox Cathedral in Downtown Charleston
1:00 PM -
"Effective Church Leadership for the 21st Century"
(This is an afternoon work session.)
5:00 Break for Dinner
6:30 PM - "The CCTUSA model"
Register through the West Virginia Council of Churches by e-mailing or calling 304-344-3141
Sky Kershner, 304-346-9689 x13
Kanawha Pastoral Counseling